Monday, March 30, 2020

The Chemistry of Life - The Basics

The Chemistry of Life - The BasicsChapter two of The Chemistry of Life introduces the science of life. In order to make the most out of this book, you need to learn how to read it. The book is in a series of eight parts. You will start from the first chapter.I was taken back by the way the author wrote this book. It contains no fluff and doesn't have any overly long sentence that doesn't make sense. You will learn the most important facts and the basic laws for the natural building blocks of life.The structure of each chapter is excellent and it gives you the detailed information about the chapters that you need to study first. You can get more detailed information by following the next two sections of the book. They will help you progress in the subject matter of the book.The second section is all about getting you to learn the most essential facts about the basics. These topics are the first part of the subject matter. What makes these topics so important to learning the book? Let me explain.I spent a good year learning how the structure of life were formed from natural building blocks. I finally understood how everything came into existence in the beginning when this earth was formed from a big bang. This was the time that we were created from nothing.Chapter two gives you the fundamentals about the evolution of life and the process of evolution. It is easy to understand these topics if you know the overall theory of how everything is made. You can start from these topics if you want to get to the other topics about the building blocks of life. You can also use this knowledge on your work and daily life.Learning the principles will help you succeed in life. If you are willing to learn to be humble in your profession, it will be easy for you to be a success. We can be so proud of ourselves when we can bring something new in our business or in our social life. The more you learn about the principles and the more you understand about the laws, the more powerful you will become.Learning and applying these principles is the key to succeeding in life. You need to understand and apply them so that you can be successful. This book is a great place to start. Start with this book and learn all the basics about the fundamentals of life.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Student Blogging The Dos and Donts - by TutorNerds

Student Blogging The Dos and Donts - by TutorNerds The Dos and Donts of Student Blogging Almost every high school student is on Facebook, Twitter, and every other type of social media these days. Just like most social communities, tweeting and blogging can be used for good or evil. Students who know how to blog the right way can put themselves in a good network for college applications, while students who blog the wrong way can find themselves in a bit of hot water.               Do:   Keep everything positive or neutral Students who write excessively negative personal blogs may be seen as someone who cant see the good in life or somebody who likes to complain. Of course, there are plenty of bad things out there to discuss, but social media is not the right place for college prep students to post them. Negative comments should be kept off-line and everything displayed on the Internet should be positive or neutral. Do: Show a balanced view If students are writing about current events or current affairs, they are encouraged to show a balanced viewpoint as opposed to a simple opinion of their own. Students who can demonstrate that they see both sides, even if they have a strong opinion about one or the other, show that they are not only good writers but balanced journalists and thinkers (READ: 5 Reasons Students Should Blog). Dont: Write about something that is not in your area of expertise Students who are adept in the world of mobile apps, should consider writing a blog about reviewing these applications. However, if they have never been to the ballet, perhaps a critique on dance is not appropriate. A blog is something that is usually about one topic or a series of related topics and the blogger, regardless of their age, should have at least some expertise in this area. Do: Mention that its a student blog Someone who is 16 years old is not expected to have the same amount of knowledge or experience as a professional in their 40s. Its important to be upfront and honest that the blog is written by a student and that they are expressing their own opinion. Theres nothing wrong with having a student blog, in fact its a great way to showcase knowledge and talent however, students should not imply that they are attempting to masquerade as a seasoned professional (READ: 6 Ways to Spend Your February Break). Do: Link to other helpful sites Students who are writing about, say, college applications on their blog should consider linking to helpful sites such as local universities, the College Board, the Department of Education, etc Adding site links makes a blog appear more professional and well thought out, and also makes it more helpful to the reader. Dont: Publish a blog without proofreading Blogs should never be published without a full proofread. The student would never want to showcase that they have grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors throughout their writing (READ: Five Tips For Success in English Class). Even the most seasoned professional writer will make mistakes here and there, which is why they either do an extensive proofread on their own or hire an editor. Because blogs are published almost every day, its recommended that students get together and help each other proofread so they can catch the most common errors at the very least remember, you can always ask your private Irvine English tutor to help. In short? Because blogging is relatively new and is something that students before generation Y didnt have to think about, many of the seemingly obvious Dos and Donts are not adhered to. Students who are considering writing a blog should remember to keep things in a positive light, always be balanced, and also make sure that the language is varied, grammatically correct, and appropriate so that they can communicate well to the reader and showcase their unique talents. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about â€" our Orange County private academic tutors are happy to help.

Avoiding Drama at Work The Dos and Donts

Avoiding Drama at Work The Do's and Don'ts Image via If you’re stuck listening to gossip, The Muse suggests having a “go-to escape phrase a polite but firm way to see yourself from a conversation that isn’t going anywhere productive.” Try saying, “I’m sorry, but I need to get back to work.” Rumors are embarrassing. Even if it starts as something innocent, it will get twisted in a game of “Whisper Down the Lane” and damage a reputation. It can even result in someone losing their job. DO keep your work life and personal life separate It’s okay to spend time with co-workers outside of the workplace, and it’s usually encouraged by your bosses (staff bonding, right?). However, there needs to be a limit to how much you let coworkers into your personal matters. It’s never easy to put on a brave face for work when you have too much going on at home, but try your best to leave any problems at the door. You might want to vent to a coworker about your home life in the break room, but you never know who else might be listening with mal-intent. No one has the right to spread your personal business but you. DON’T vent to one coworker about another coworker It’s understandable if you want to get something off your chest. But, it’s better to save it for when you get home. Talk to a friend outside of your workplace. Being close with one or two of your coworkers creates a better atmosphere, but you never know if they’re closer to someone else. When you vent, the person listening might feel obligated to tell their closer coworker that you’re talking about them. They might promise not to tell, but you never know their true intentions. FastCompany points out that “the last thing you want is for your criticisms to  get back to your boss  or other higher-ups.” Avoid any awkwardness or hurt feelings by keeping your thoughts to yourself for a little while. Remember that rumors sometimes stem from venting. DO keep work off of social media Image via There’s always been controversy about adding employers and co-workers to your social media. Some companies ask for your Facebook name and Twitter handle upon being hired so that they can keep track of you. Its best to avoid venting on the Internet. If you think it might stir up trouble, don’t post it, especially if you’re using a company laptop or phone. Even if you’re careful not to allow anyone from work to see your posts, a friend of a friend of your boss might stumble upon it and get you in trouble. DON’T talk down to anyone The company will work best if everyone in its branches is treated equally. You might be a manager or a vice president, but the people below you shouldn’t feel inferior. You might also just be better at the job than one of your coworkers, but try not to brag about it. Use any power or skills that you have to motivate others. Author Kenneth Blanchard said, “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” Bosses, put the well-being of your employees first. Employees, build each other up. You’ll see a surge of success for the entire operation in the long run. DO help your coworkers instead of competing Every type of job has a hierarchy, and positions in the hierarchy are limited. For example, retail generally has a small handful of managers in a store. So maybe you and a coworker are both working hard for a position that only one of you can have and it’s getting intense. Image via Pixabay One of the biggest drama-starters in a workplace is a sense of competition. Instead of sabotaging each other or pointing out each other’s mistakes, try helping each other. If a coworker is struggling with a task, explain it until they get the hang of it. You might fear that they’ll end up with your promotion, but put that aside for the good of the group. Your boss will notice your professionalism. Your coworkers will feel more comfortable helping each other, too, and the entire company will grow stronger. DON’T let anger take over Nothing seems worse than injustice in the workplace, but try not to blow a mental fuse over it. Keep calm and keep your head clear. Don’t be so quick to respond to the email that sounds like an attack on you and your team. Don’t fire back with a passive-aggressive remark if a coworker tries to push your buttons in the meeting. Walk away from the conversation whether it’s virtual or in person and take a minute to think. Drama often starts from things said in the heat of an argument. Remember that you’re there to get a job done, and focusing on anger will ruin the quality of your work. DO deal with disputes calmly and discreetly Sometimes drama at work is unavoidable, even if you follow this guide. If you should happen to run into an issue, be sure to handle it in a civilized manner. Sit down with your coworker and talk it out. “Meeting with your offending coworker first gives him or her the chance to address the behavior, especially before you escalate to your boss or HR,” according to Verily Magazine. Keep anyone else out of it, because the last thing you need is the whole building taking sides in an argument they had nothing to do with. Make sure you talk in person, too. Emails or texting lead to misinterpretations and bigger problems. The drama will only last as long as you allow it to, so end it quickly. Image via You don’t have to be the peacemaker every time the office drama queen acts up, but your progress shouldn’t be hindered, either. The most important part of avoiding drama in the workplace is putting your own future first. Plus, remember this: a drama-free job is a happy job.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Organic Chemistry Taught in an Easy Way

Organic Chemistry Taught in an Easy WayWhy should you hire an organic chemistry tutor? Because it's important to know that chemistry and organic chemistry are very similar in many aspects. For example, how does the world work? Organic chemistry explains the process of chemical reactions in a solid or semi-solid material and describes how it works with other chemical processes and solutions in a fluid or a gas.It is important to know that organic chemistry is also very similar to the process of biological chemistry, in which it explains how life can be formed from other substances. If you wish to learn more about how life functions, it is important to understand the chemical reactions that are used by it. Organic chemistry provides the understanding that life is very complex and it also teaches what chemicals do and how they behave with each other.In organic chemistry, there are two types of reactions: the oxidation and the reduction. These processes occur in a substance or in the rea ctions that take place between substances or the reactions of metals. You must know that the oxidation reactions are occurring when the substance becomes oxidized and the reduction reactions are taking place when a substance reduces another substance.So, you must understand that organic chemistry teaches you that all substances have the ability to change and this can be seen in the chemical reactions that occur. Organic chemistry also explains the action of metals, elements and other compounds on each other. For example, the activity of copper is determined by the oxygen available in the atmosphere.Organic chemistry also teaches you about the behavior of organic compounds and the physical properties of organic compounds. Many organic compounds also exhibit the physical property of being chemical compounds with two elements. You must understand that the combinations that happen through organic chemistry also involves chemistry, physics and biology.Organic chemistry also explains the process of making complex organic compounds. Organic chemistry develops the understanding that organic compounds can combine themselves into longer molecules. Therefore, organic chemistry has many uses as well as learning how a solid or a semi-solid can react with another substance.An organic chemistry tutor will help you to understand that organic chemistry is very much like biology, and thus it allows you to understand the importance of biology. And as a conclusion, in order to understand the importance of biology, organic chemistry must be studied.

What Is a Tutoring Job in NH?

What Is a Tutoring Job in NH?Tutoring jobs in NH are a great way to gain experience, while earning money at the same time. Finding an assignment that fits your interests is not always easy, so getting information about different places that you could consider studying is an important step. In order to start a tutoring job in NH, a student must first look for a tutor with a community college or a large school, preferably one that has a history of offering some type of campus-based education. These students will usually have a different experience than those who work from home, because they will be going to a class environment.The first step in starting a tutoring job in NH is to check out the local resources that you can use. You may want to look at the tutoring industry in NH, as well as online communities. If you are concerned about meeting up with a mentor, search online and find tutors in your area who have been recommended by someone else. Be sure to talk to the mentor before you commit to signing a contract or paying anything, as sometimes people have trouble paying up front and this can happen because they don't feel the person is qualified or a good fit.When deciding where to teach in NH, there are a few things to consider. If you are working at home and need a place to live, the decision of where to live should be based on your location and finances. If you want to be close to home, you will want to make sure the area you choose is close to all the services that you offer. If you live far away from the campus, look into commuter routes or if your future position requires you to travel often, making sure you have the time and transportation are very important.Another consideration is how you will be teaching. Some tutoring jobs in NH are classroom-based, while others are classroom-based and other types of courses. A classroom-based tutoring job is different from a campus-based tutoring job in many ways, but the one thing that all of them have in common i s that the focus is on a particular course or subject.If you decide that you want to teach in a classroom-based tutoring job, the first thing to do is find a tutor who has a full teaching certification. It does not matter whether they have a certification as a TA or a consultant, but make sure that you find someone who has been trained and certified to provide personalized help for any type of student.A class of any kind is more than just a lesson to a student and the teacher in a tutoring job in NH must be able to assist students in the process of learning. The ability to teach to a learner's strengths and weaknesses is extremely important, as many students will struggle with certain subjects, but excel at others. This is the type of education that will benefit from a tutor who has a more general knowledge about learning, rather than one who is highly specialized in a particular subject.By finding out what type of learning environment is available in the place you will be tutoring in, and deciding how much you will actually work with the student, you can have a better idea of what you will be expected to teach. These types of jobs in NH can be demanding, but the pay is much better than the average temp job. They allow students to get a hands-on experience that will benefit them for years to come.

Online Tutoring - How It Has Changed the World of Education

Online Tutoring - How It Has Changed the World of Education 0SHARESShare Digital technology has changed the way of imparting education. The expectations from the current education system have changed a lot in the way tutor and student connects with each other to take tutoring. The virtual classroom is now well equipped with technological equipment like computer, laptop, interactive whiteboard, digital pen, projector, touch-pad phones, etc. The change is never instant or spontaneous, it gradually penetrates into the system eliminating old and introducing some new ways of receiving education. Online education builds a safe online environment for online tutor and students giving comfortable and confident feeling to make the virtual classroom live and act. Online classroom becomes interesting with the use of audio/video files, graphics, presentations, 3D-imaging, etc. The online tutoring is building trust between student and online tutors, tutoring complex lessons in cognitive online demands. Tutoring online has gained huge popularity among students with reason that it can be tailored on a case to case basis. The tutoring sessions are engineered considering student’s strengths and weaknesses. The tutoring is carried out one-to-one between students and tutor in a very personalized way focusing on each student needs. The luxury that online learning can give to students, tutors and parents is tremendous. The student can get quality tutoring right at the home with lots of flexibility in services and pricing. Online educational programs offer true knowledge with the necessary flexibility. Online tutoring is a new paradigm to get students ready to accept the challenges that approach in the next few decades to come. [starbox id=admin]

Choose A Violin Course Online Or At Home

Choose A Violin Course Online Or At Home Where Should I Take My Violin Lessons? ChaptersBenefits Of Music LessonsPros And Cons Of Online Violin LessonsPros And Cons Of Self Study LessonsPros And Cons Of In-Person LessonsPractice makes perfect. Like any instrument and any musician, the violin and violinist are no different. To be able to create the best sound, practice is required and a lot of it. But how do you maximise your music lessons and fast-track yourself to creating successful music?There are many ways in which to learn to play the violin, but whichever path you choose violin lessons will play a big part in speeding up the process. You may choose to study online, with free self-study resources or perhaps with a private violin teacher.A key to deciding how you would like to learn is to be aware of your goals for the instrument. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each learning route and hopefully by the end of this article you will closer to making the best choice for you and your violin.Playing the violin takes enormous discipline. Photo Source: Unsplash TomViolin Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StacyViolin Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValtieViolin Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BenedictViolin Teacher 5.00 (8) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TaisiiaViolin Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AmyViolin Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuísViolin Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MomokoViolin Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBenefits Of Music LessonsThe violin is one of the most beautiful instruments that you can choose. Although the road to being proficient is a long one, once you have achieved fluency there will be nothing to hold you back.These are the top benefits for remaining focused and dedicated to your violin practice.Violin is excellent for mental health and improving brain function overall.Sensory dexterity: Violin musicians may have the ability to tune into sounds better than some other people due to years of ear training.Learning violin can support a better attention span, patience and memory over time.Practising the violin is great to build confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness.Can increase wellbeing, reduces stress and it also provides an emotional outlet.An essential tip for playing the violin better is good posture. Practising the violin encourages better posture while standing and health awareness of the body.Playing the violin naturally instils the better organisation, self-discipline and heightened motivation.The violin community is very supportive and encouraging, which is perfect if you like to feel like part of something bigger. Although you spend your time learning how to play the violin alone or with your teacher. You will be able to join the violin community and even join orchestras, group violin classes London, music groups or get access to better schools including music schools.Studying violin online can save you quite a bit of money vs the same in person violin class. Photo Source: UnsplashPros And Cons Of Online Violin LessonsStudying online is a happy medium between taking private lessons which are structured and expensive and studying alone which is free and unstructured.  Learning how to play the violin online is a great way to study with professionals from around the world. You can choose to study with any great violin teacher or musician that offers to teach music online.All without having to fly across the world, you can meet them on Skype or Google hangouts, with apps like WhatsApp or Facebook chat, even with webinar software such as go to webinar.   In fact, as long as you have a strong internet connection, a good camera and microphone, your lesson will be almost like being taught in person.A key benefit of studying online is that you can save quite a bit of money vs the same in person violin class. Working with a tutor online can be ver y engaging as they can incorporate the power of the internet into the lesson. Also, you will be able to learn which websites you can use to practice outside of the lesson.Although studying online can seem more casual it should be treated with the same level of discipline and focus that you give to 1-1 lessons. Violin teachers where ever they are based will want to see you make progress towards your goals. Advantages Of Online Music LessonsYou learn anywhere at any time that you want to as long as the music teacher is available.There are a wide variety of apps, software’s and communication tools with which to meet your violin tutor.Studying online is a very engaging and fun way to study as you have lots of tools at your disposal and have to be a bit more creative to get your point across.You can record your lessons and watch them as many times as you like.Great for students from remote areas and student who prefer to have a wide selection of violin teachers to learn from.Useful for the beginner violin to study music theory, how to read violin sheet music, and the basics of music education.Perfect for musicians who already know the basics to intermediate about how to play the violin and just need to have regular follow up music lessons to ask questions or practice specific areas for improvement.Disadvantages Of Online Violin ClassesThe teacher cannot help you physically so things like tuning your violin, finger placement, posture, violin maintenance and the flow of your movement could suffer if they cannot see you clearly enough to advise a correction.You need to have a high-speed internet connection, an excellent clear camera, an excellent microphone.Internet connections can fail so can equipment.This is not the best route if you hope to be a professional musician although it would work well with private one to one violin classes.Pros And Cons Of Self Study LessonsSelf-study is a great way to study the violin for anyone who is highly motivated, focused and se rious about music. There are so many benefits including saving a lot of money on the cost of private violin lessons.If you are a musician, who has studied and learned how to play the guitar, cello or other stringed instruments in the past. You will likely be able to learn the basics of the violin without too much difficulty, you will also become accustomed to tuning your strings and will be able to learn how to tune your violin. Finger placement may also be familiar to you if you have a musical background.Most importantly if you also know how to read music, you will be in for a treat. However, if you have no background in music, are not a music prodigy, a beginner in the ideas of self-motivation and determination. You might want to consider another learning option as this may not be the option that will support you to succeed.Advantages Of Self StudyGreat for people who have a musical background.Very suitable for a musician who knows how to play string instruments.Possible for highl y motivated and patience students.This is the cheapest option, and there is nothing to pay unless you choose to seek outside help.There is a plethora of free material online and offline, including apps. That can help you with your violin lessons and personal curriculum.Will let you progress at you own pace, you may study as much or as little as you want to without worrying about meeting set targets.Disadvantages Of Self StudyNot suitable for students who have low levels of discipline.Not great for beginners who want to learn to read sheet musicVery challenging for beginners to learn violin in this way.Is lonely and lacks encouragement.Lack of structure may slow progress.Lack of guidance may create bad habits and hinder performance.The violin is one of the most beautiful instruments that you can choose. Photo Source: UnsplashPros And Cons Of In-Person LessonsLearning the violin privately and in-person is hands down the best way to learn the instrument. If you are able to find a teach er, violinist or music program available in your local area. This is how the most talented violinists have been taught and continue to learn today.If you wish to follow in their footsteps, you will be encouraged to study in this way. When you study with a violinist privately, you will be taught everything you need to know to become an active musician. Having your teacher with you means that you will be able to learn with ear training how to tune your violin correctly, you will be able to see how they hold the instrument and they will be able to correct you physically.The teacher will be able to troubleshoot any issues with your performance quickly and help you with it. Such as fixing your posture, finger placement, helping you to tune your violin and look after it. To attend lessons, you need to bring nothing more than a passion for the violin, your violin and an open mind that is ready to learn.The best thing about private lessons is that your violin tutor will be able to spot any habits that you are starting to form and defeat them quickly.Advantages Of Private LessonsHaving a private teacher focuses you on learning the violinPlaying the violin with your teaching will be inspiring and encouraging as you see yourself improve.You don’t need any out of the ordinary equipment, you, your violin and bow are enough to get started.You will have a hands-on approach to learning which will protect your progress and dispel any bad habits which could affect your success later one.Your environment will be distraction freeYou will get a first-hand look at the right posture, finger placement and how to maintain your instrument.Great for all ages especially very young students who will need a more hands-on approach to learning.Disadvantages Of Having A Private Violin InstructorViolin takes a long time to learn, and the private lesson can be expensive.There is little in the way of flexibility went it come to scheduling, and if you travel, you are likely to miss lessons.Your selection of violin teachers near me is limited to your local area.You will have to motivate yourself to leave home to travel to the violin lesson.All 3 of these routes to learning the violin have their pros and their cons. Once you know your goals the best course for you will become clear. There is no doubt about it, playing the violin takes enormous discipline. It is a very technical instrument to master, but it has considerable benefits if you are willing to stay the course. With passion, dedication and the right Violin lessons, you will be able to become accomplished in playing your beloved violin.